Tract #3
Page 2:
(Faith Article)
"Thank You" is a word that is often spoken --- especially after someone makes a purchase. It is very nice to say such a word because it shows appreciation. More than anything else... we can do likewise to God. He purchased our soul in hopes you will appreciate Him enough to let His Love and Grace enter your life to stay. If a person is never thankful, then, could it be they are upset with themselves -- or maybe the world, itself? There's no need to blame someone else when you are bitter at others for no reason. Just look to Jesus and see that He is not upset... but instead He choices to be loving and kind toward us all. He's got a reason to be bitter and upset -- but rather than condemning us... He came to save sinners from their evil ways. Shouldn't we always be thankful for that?
Page 4:
(Forever Gladness)
Let us all listen as we rejoice:
Making prayer a daily choice!
Living in Light: growing in Faith
Having a smile upon your face.
We are blessed through all pain
Sun shines brighter, after a rain!
Never fret with God on our side...
He can protect and also will guide!
Now and forever, real victory is given...
Jesus to open the windows of Heaven!
Being a Child of an All Powerful King:
Keep pressing on, His praises to sing!