Tract Page 16

Page 2

(Solid Christian Advice)

What you do in Faith cannot ever be taken away: God uses it despite any attack or criticism!


As time moves on let us stay in awe of the Beauty and Majesty of Almighty God!


While pressing on in Jesus we must also keep looking up for His return, and stay alert!


Never say you can't (to what) God has already given you power (to do) and carry out for Him!


When all is said and done there will be time after that to say, "look what God allowed me to do in His Service!: And to God be the glory!


Satan's job is to keep us busy worrying about situations and conditions! However, by trusting God, Jesus will turn our situations and conditions into a witness of love, hope and peace!

Page #3

(A Need to Heed) 

This is a new day but the message of Jesus is always the same. Now is the time to carry on! People that are lost needs to repent and get saved! Those that are saved need to be strong and keep doing what they can to live for Jesus. Souls weigh in the balance!  A soul that is going through a battle needs prayer and we all must keep praying while encouraging one another! The Bible is the Book of life, and all Believers need to keep studying and growing in God's Holy Word! You can't praise God enough and the more you glorify Jesus the more determined you become to life up His Name daily!

Page #4

(Poems About Truth)


Never holding back

 No time to be slack.

Nearing the finish line:

Not a doubt in my mind!


Just a message: mercy over sin

Join us in hope: be Born-Again!

Jesus saves and He will defend…

Jubilation victory: Saints to win!


Surrender your all

Salvation the key.

Sweeter than sugar

Souls are set free!


Walking in the Light

Wanting what's right

We believe in our Lord!

Word of God is the Sword


Together caring in all we do…

Together we follow what is true.

Together being the faithful few…

Together forever: God loves you!